- 我得油漆我的公寓.
- I have to paint my apartment .
- 她并没有给她的公寓喷漆。
- She did not paint the apartment .
- 我不得不卖了房子,搬到一个小公寓房里。
- I had to sell the house and move to a small apartment .
- 扁平化设计就是这样-一切都是平的。
- Flat design is just that flat .
- 扁平化设计是漂亮的、可爱的设计。
- Flat design can be both beautiful and charming .
- 仅可能地把衣服平放,以减少褶皱。
- Lay them flat as often as possible to reduce wrinkles .
- 与便携式计算机随着拥有者去所有地方不同,必须被携带者从一个地方到另一个地方的垫子是一种失败。
- Whereas portable computers go everywhere with their owners , the pad that must be carried from place to place is a failure .
- 规模上而言,下一步是垫子,一种位于一张纸和当前膝上型和掌上型计算机之间的东西。
- The next step up in size is the pad , something of a cross between a sheet of paper and current laptop and palmtop computers .
- 当设备放在垫块上,两个仪器就会通过内置感应器识别对方。
- When the device is placed on the pad , the two recognise each other through built-in sensors .