- 公开市场一片恐慌。
- The public markets are in panic .
- 罗夫也是一位公众人物。
- Rove is also a public figure .
- 公众投资者也喜欢成长型公司。
- Public investors love growth as well .
- 一只雄性水蟒张开的大嘴。
- The open mouth of a male anaconda .
- 男性的包皮手术看似也能控制疾病的传播。
- Male circumcision seems to limit the disease 's spread .
- 她的男同学并非都这么有同情心。
- Not all her male classmates were as empathetic .
- 囚犯改宗十分常见。
- Proselytising among inmates is common .
- 这种行为是很常见的。
- This behavior is very common .
- 体制改革也并不普遍。
- Structural reform was less common .
- 阿格瓦伊将军没有这么说。
- General agwai said no such thing .
- 明年可能发生一个总罢工。
- A general strike may come next year .
- 埃里克马丁是reddit网站总经理。
- Erik martin is general manager of reddit .