- abi研究中心(abiresearch)的迈克尔阿登(michaelarden)说:“大量的公司收购活动正在重新书写iptv以及数字电视世界的竞争形势。”
- " A spate of corporate acquisitions is redrawing the competitive landscape in the world of iptv and telco tv , " says michael arden of abi research .
- 但是,即使是iptv最为热情的拥护者也承认技术上的优势、甚至是降低价格都不能确保iptv的成功。
- But even iptv 's most ardent boosters agree that technical prowess and even discounted prices will not assure iptv 's success .
- isuppli的迪克森先生指出:“电信公司越来越指望用iptv产品增加它们日益紧缩的语音通讯业务收入。”
- " Telecommunications companies increasingly are looking to iptv offerings to augment their declining voice communications revenue , " points out isuppli 's mr dickson .