- 交流和对话非常的重要。
- Exchange and dialogue are critical .
- 但收税就是一项这样的强制交易。
- But taxation is just such a coerced exchange .
- 股票交易所的整合很少有比现在更热的时候。
- Rarely has stock exchange consolidation been more fevered .
- 不过,这正变得更为容易,因为随着允许所有权和货币流通的世界的涌现,用户可以在两种方式中进行选择。
- But it is becoming easier as worlds that allow property rights and currency convertibility spring up , giving users a choice between the two approaches .
- 国际掉期业务及衍生投资工具协会(internationalswapsandderivativesassociation)亚洲理事基思诺伊斯(keithnoyes)说,要成为真正的国际金融中心,就得实现货币完全自由兑换。
- ' To be a truly global financial center , you need to have full convertibility of the currency , ' says keith noyes , asia director for international swaps & derivatives association inc.
- 由于人民币不可兑换,港人持有人民币仍以投机为主要目的。
- Because of the chinese currency 's lack of convertibility , the main reason to hold it remains for speculation .