- 让互联网电台承受高额税率而给无线am和fm电台免费通行证,这妨碍了极具潜能的传播信息的新方式的发展。
- Saddling internet radio with high royalty rates while giving terrestrial am and fm stations a free pass impedes the growth of a promising new way to distribute content .
- 但是那些缺少可用土地资源的国家,或是那些不愿放弃眼前既得利益的领导,或许会放宽政策,容许低税收、无法律的自治国家进行有限的活动。
- But countries short of available land , or whose leaders are struggling to pass liberalising reforms against resistance from vested interests , may tolerate limited experiments in low-tax , rule-free self-government .
- 泰格表示,确实发生了一些变化,不过,与其说那是反感,“还不如说是一种承认,性别大战削弱了女人自以为是的确定态度,她们不能再在所有方面都得到优待了。”
- Something is happening , says tiger , but it is less of a backlash " than the acknowledgment that women 's self-righteous certainty has now been undermined in the sex wars , that they are no longer given a free pass on every subject " .