- 起初,复制公司高层的方法听上去能使公司主体保持不变。
- At first , this sounds like a recipe for clon ing the head of a corporation so the body can stay the same .
- 相比之下,美国在农业上运用克隆技术却是被大家所接受的。
- By contrast , in the usa cloning in agriculture is accepted .
- 克隆和转基因作物把农业带向了一个民众并不完全信任的方向。
- Cloning and gm crops takes farming in a direction which the public rightly distrust .
- iritani警告说,对团队来说成功进行克隆仍是一项挑战。
- But a successful cloning will also pose challenges for the team , iritani warned .