- 他们开始约会后没几天,爱华带贝拉去了趟小树林,揭秘了吸血鬼从不出现在日光下的真正原因:他们会浑身闪光。
- A mere number of days after they begin dating , edward takes her to the woods and reveals the real reason that vampires don 't go out in the sun : they sparkle .
- 无数根蜡烛停在半空中,照着四张围满了人的长桌子,照得那些金色的盘子和高脚杯闪闪发光。
- Innumerable candles were hovering in midair over four long , crowded tables , making the golden plates and goblets sparkle .
- 一家药房减弱了灯光,平常照的一排排化妆品闪闪发光的聚光灯被关掉了。
- A pharmacy was dimly lit and the spotlights that usually bring out the sparkle in the rows of shimmering cosmetics were turned off .
- 由于他的发明,在那些照片里,家里有许多灯光;它们的辐射几乎现在也可以觉察到。
- Thanks to his invention , the home bursts with light in those pictures ; the radiance is almost palpable .
- 因为如今重新翻开它,涌现于我脑际的首先是光焰照人的火烧云。
- Because reading it again now the scenery sprang up in my mind was still the burning clouds like the flare radiance shining the people .
- 我走上街头,盲目地哭泣着,不清楚那眼泪是为了银幕上的悲剧,为了我自己的无望,还是为了那些感受不到《擦鞋童》光辉的人们带给我的疏离感。
- I walked up the street , crying blindly , no longer certain whether my tears were for the tragedy on the screen , the hopelessness I felt for myself , or the alienation I felt from those who could not experience the radiance of shoeshine .
- ellen耳垂上的钻石耳钉闪闪发光。
- Ellen 's ears glow with diamond earrings .
- 我们将要从后面给行星一个十分微弱的发光效果。
- We are going to give our planet a very slight glow from behind .
- 来自太阳的带电粒子与地球高层大气中的分子发生碰撞时,产生辉光,此即南,北极光。
- The northern and southern lights result when charged particles from the sun collide with molecules high in earth 's atmosphere , generating a glow .