- 但最近,谷歌的规模和野心已经使其光环开始暗淡起来。
- But recently , google 's size and ambitions have begun to obscure its halo .
- 忽隐忽现的昆虫黑晕开始慢慢地漂移,一直保持离地六英尺的高度。
- The flickering insect halo began to drift slowly away , keeping a constant six feet above the earth .
- 导致格布哈特及其他研究人员没有将暗晕并入以前的模型另一个原因是这项工作所需的巨大的计算机处理量。
- Another reason that gebhardt and other researchers did not attempt to incorporate the dark halo in previous models was the huge amount of computing power needed for the job .
- 笑气用于分娩镇痛的安全性的研究。
- Clinical study on safety of labor analgesia with in halation of laughing gas .
- 透过雪花舞动的影子,看到太阳像个拖着尾巴的火球,发出淡淡的光晕,又像倒映在水中的月亮,恍恍惚惚、明明灭灭的。
- The shadow brandishing through the snowflake , sees the sun resemble the fireball dragging a tail , issues the slight halation , such as luna in pouring reflect on water , be quite confused and stupefied , clearly go out to go out .
- 光晕:光线穿过感光药膜到菲林片基而反射,使药膜再次曝光。因反射曝光与原本曝光的位置不同,故造成光晕。
- Halation : this is the result of light passing through the light sensitive emulsion , then through the film base , and finally being reflected back from the other side of the film and re-exposing the emulsion , but in a different place from the original one .