- 丰富的糖果和壮观的烟火使排灯节成为南亚最受欢迎的节日。
- Plentiful candy and spectacular fireworks ensure that diwali is south asia 's most popular festival .
- 而太阳光则更加丰富。
- Sunlight is even more plentiful .
- web数据挖掘工具丰富多样。
- Web data mining tools are plentiful .
- 巴拿马的自然风景和土著文化非常丰富。
- In panama nature and indigenous culture are abundant .
- 有些还是很充足的像是镍、铜和锌。
- Some are as abundant as nickel , copper or zinc .
- 所有的好东西都应该是充足的,而且免费。
- All good things should be abundant , and they should be free .
- 他的阁楼里面充满了宝贝。
- His attic is full of treasures .
- 看来你得处理一间满是人的银行?
- And you 've got a bank full of people ?
- 布达佩斯到处都是假护照。
- Budapest 's full of fake passes .