- 它们为美国将下怎样的决心来寻求消除现有储存的北朝鲜核武器和裂变材料提供空间。
- They leave open with what determination washington will pursue the elimination of the existing stockpile of north korean nuclear weapons and fissionable materials .
- 这种燃料是将低浓缩铀和口混合后生产出来的,而口则是从全球储存的退役核武器中提取出来的循环再利用产品。
- It is made by mixing low-enriched uranium with plutonium that has been recycled from a global stockpile of defunct nuclear weapons .
- 自从1992年停止核试验以来,美国就紧紧盯住了其核武储备上。
- America has rightly kept its eagle eye on its weapons stockpile since it stopped testing in 1992 .
- 老萨莉躺在一张床上,屋子冷得像个冰窖。
- Old sally lay in bed in a freezing cold room .
- 乔希.哈比躺在脏兮兮的地上,喘着大气。
- Josh habib lay in a dirt field gasping for air .
- 当他躺在雪地上的时候,他注意到自己没有发抖了。
- As he lay in the snow he noticed that he was not shaking .
- 你不能那么靠在台边上。
- You can 't lay up on the ropes like that .
- 我高躺在世界之上,孤身一人。
- I lay up there high above the world and I was all alone .
- 智慧人积存知识;愚妄人的口速致败坏。
- Wise men lay up knowledge but the babbling of a fool brings ruin near .
- 我可以用来重建这个店子。
- I can actually use to build this store up again .
- 白天,太阳能电池板还储存了足够的能量,为电子设备提供电力。
- The solar panels also store up enough charge during the day toprovide power for electronic devices .
- 紫坪铺建成于2006年,高156米,水库储水量可达11亿立方米(385亿立方英尺),其位置离震中区仅5公里(3.1英里)。
- Zipingpu a 156-metre-high dam finished in 2006 and its reservoir which can store up to 1.1 billion cubic metres ( 38.5 billion cubic feet ) of water is located just five kilometres ( 3.1 miles ) from the quake 's epi