- 健美在我们的城市变得越来越流行。
- Bodybuilding is becoming more popular in our city .
- 爱健身的黑人查理布朗如何?
- How about the black bodybuilding charlie brown ?
- 你不知道健美是一项在国际上受欢迎的新事物。
- You never know bodybuilding is a new and international popular stuff .
- 他们的锻炼是零星而温和的。
- Exercise was sporadic and mild .
- 她会经常选择行使这一选择权也就不足为奇了。
- Small wonder she often chooses to exercise that option .
- 结果就是,期权的行使价非常低。
- The result was attractively low exercise prices for options .
- 志愿者进行了两批训练。
- Volunteers completed two workout sessions .
- 正打算开始更富有强度的日常锻炼吗?
- Starting a more intense workout routine ?
- 你的肌肉在训练后需要时间恢复和自我修复。
- Your muscles need time to recover and repair themselves after a workout .