- 格林斯潘上任不久就出现了第一次偏差。
- The first deviation from the trend began shortly after alan greenspan became chairman .
- 这位前销售人员说,那些销售目标完成情况低于高管们计算出来的一个标准偏差的销售人员,他们会受到批评或被解雇。
- Those whose rates fell below a standard deviation executives calculated would be criticized or fired , the former salesperson says .
- 为了使这些曲线具有可比性,汉森博士将实际偏差值称作标准偏差的分数,而将实际偏差值的频率称作总数比。
- To make all the curves comparable , he expressed the values of the actual deviations as fractions of a standard deviation , and their frequencies as proportions of their total number .
- 过梁横带应进行加固或紧固,将挠度减小至不超过正10或负10mm。
- Fascias shall be reinforced or fastened to minimize deflection to no more than plus or minus 10mm .
- 最后提出要反思偏向重工业化战略,并给出相关建议。
- Put forward to want to review deflection heavy industry to change the strategy finally , give out relevant proposal .
- 结构的过大挠度可以引起覆盖面的巨大破坏。
- Excessive deflection in a structure may cause considerable damage to cladding .
- 偏度和峰度系数为对数转换后的值。
- Skewness and kurtosis are all log values .
- 某些对冲基金策略的偏斜度和峰度特性,肯定会比其它策略更有吸引力。
- The skewness and kurtosis properties of some hedge fund strategies are definitely more attractive than others .
- 在投资组合中运用这些策略确实能够降低标准差,但同时也会削弱偏斜度,也就是说会增加出现负面意外结果的风险。
- Adding these strategies to a portfolio will reduce standard deviation but it will at the same time reduce skewness , that is increase the risk of a nasty surprise .