- 即使惩罚更加严厉,他依然非常顽固。
- Punishments became more severe , he remained stubborn .
- 她一定很爱他,或者她只是特别固执。
- She must love him , or she 's just plain stubborn .
- 有部分仅仅因为我是一个顽固的男性。
- Part of that is just me being a stubborn male .
- 他粗暴的态度让我生气。
- His gruff manner made me angry .
- 一个粗暴的人哼了一声表示砾石。
- A gruff gravel voiced man grunted .
- 有点粗暴和厚脸皮。
- A bit gruff and cheeky .
- 脸色阴沉的男人是我的英雄,他如果只等我五分钟就来不及了,游戏就结束了。
- Surly is my hero . Had he waited just five minutes to call for me , it would have been too late , game over .
- 我奔回去,站在我面前的是那个刚才脸色阴沉的男人,他笑着高举着一个钱包,那是我的钱包,里面装着护照、现金和信用卡。
- I run back and standing before me is ' surly ' , smiling and holding aloft a purse my purse containing my passport , money and credit cards .
- 面对两场战争的背景以及阴霾的经济,火星计划不再是奥巴马先生的内阁优势。
- Against a backdrop of two wars and a surly economy , mars is no longer ascendant in mr obama 's washington .
- 他被邀请在这个电视剧里扮演一个角色。
- Gong li played the role of qiu ju in this film successfully .
- 嘿,真不知道你怎么能在这么挤的地方能找到停车位的。你一定很有法术。
- Hey , I don 't know how you found a parking spot in this traffic . You must have some strong ju ju .
- 他心中的梦想就成为天下第一蹴鞠高手。
- His dream is to be the best cu ju player in the world .