- 另一个著名案例发生在20年前,同现在丰田面临的情况相似,当时perrier公司生产的泡沫矿泉水被发现含有苯,公司虽然召回了所有该产品,却在解释问题原因时一变再变。
- Another famous example , that of perrier 20 years ago , whose fizzy mineral water was found to be contaminated with benzene , is a better analogue for toyota today . The company recalled all its bottles , but its explanation for what had gone wrong kept changing .
- 所以,无论是安倍先生劝告日本银行购买某些债券,还是美国共和党人在美联储已经按照指示让通货膨胀保持在与目标接近的地方的情况下还要抱怨货币宽松政策,都是错误的。
- So mr abe would be wrong to exhort the bank of japan to buy specific bonds , and america 's republicans are wrong to carp at quantitative easing when the fed has , as instructed , kept inflation close to its target .
- 官方认为,该节目的过错之一就是它的播放时长超出了正常标准(90分钟);过错之二是它在黄金时段播放(这节目太火了)。
- Officially , one of its sins was allowing episodes to exceed its 90-minute permitted time-slot . It was also wrong to show them at prime time ( the programmes were too racy ) .