- 不和随着持枪歹徒为了医疗物品而在圣诞夜对修道院的攻击在滋长。
- Discord grows when gunmen storm the monastery on christmas eve , demanding medical supplies .
- 我只想说高中就是一座寺院和一个新兵训练营的合体。
- I have to say that high school is a monastery and an army boot camp combined .
- 随着正在增强的新兴力量,这一代人正在为寺院未来700年的发展打下坚实的基础。
- With a new wing under construction , this generation is laying the foundations for the monastery 's next 700 years .
- 他说,并自我介绍说自己劳伦;我猜想19年前我们见过面,他当时就住在这间修道院,是一位修道士的助手。
- The man said , and introduced himself as larry ; we 'd met , I gathered , 19 years before , when he 'd been living in the cloister as an assistant to one of the monks .
- 旧博物馆将成为一个新的游客中心,该计划包括在唱诗学校和一个咖啡馆旁边教长院内建造第一座重复教育中心;目前,每年为数百万游客提供茶点的只有一个回廊内的茶摊。
- The old museum would become a new visitor centre , and the plans include the first ever education centre in dean 's yard beside the choir school and a cafe ; at the moment the only refreshment for millions of tourists each year is a tea stall in the cloister .
- 明净柔和的金色日光把温暖洒向回廊黄色的石墙;一个女人从井中汲水;再过一小时、一分钟、一秒钟,或许就是现在,一切都要分崩离析了。
- A fine , golden sun gently warmed the yellow stones of the cloister . A woman was drawing water from the well . In an hour , a minute , a second , now perhaps , everything might collapse .
- 那个从修道院来的小姑娘穿着整洁的白外衣,仰起温驯的小脸蛋。
- The little girl from the convent was in her prim white dress , with her small submissive face .
- 叙述者tomcrick是一位中年校长,他回首他在战争期间与一个喜欢性冒险的修道院女学生玛丽的罗曼史。
- The narrator tom crick is a middle-aged schoolmaster looking back on his war-time schoolboy romance with mary , a sexually adventurous convent schoolgirl .
- 冉阿让为什么要离开小比克布斯修院呢?
- Why had jean valjean quitted the convent of the petit-picpus ?
- 那个从修道院来的小姑娘穿着整洁的白外衣,仰起温驯的小脸蛋。
- The little girl from the convent was in her prim white dress , with her small submissive face .
- 叙述者tomcrick是一位中年校长,他回首他在战争期间与一个喜欢性冒险的修道院女学生玛丽的罗曼史。
- The narrator tom crick is a middle-aged schoolmaster looking back on his war-time schoolboy romance with mary , a sexually adventurous convent schoolgirl .
- 冉阿让为什么要离开小比克布斯修院呢?
- Why had jean valjean quitted the convent of the petit-picpus ?