- 谁将支付这笔修理费用呢?
- Who will foot the repair bill ?
- 点击virtualbox并选择修复。
- Click virtualbox and choose repair .
- 托尼查找到了这个地址,原来是一家汽车修理店。
- Tony locates the address as a repair garage .
- 你好心的仙女正在补你的睡衣呢。
- Your good little fairy is mending your nightshirt .
- 这些鞋要修补了。
- These shoes want mending .
- 前不久刚推出了一个广告活动,旨在重建人们对瑞士银行的信心及改善与客户的关系。
- It follows a recent advertising campaign aimed at re-establishing confidence in the swiss bank 's brand and mending relations with clients .
- 每次孩子铺完自己的床后就让他把一个补丁涂成彩色。
- Each time your child makes her bed , let her color a patch .
- 火狐浏览器,宣称是最安全的浏览器,也需要持续地打补丁。
- Firefox browser , marketed as the most secure , has to patch the code continuously .
- 如果足球协会和社会网络能够变成一个名不副实的国家,谁还会需要一块沙滩呢?
- If football authorities and social networks can turn into states of sorts , who needs a patch of sand ?
- 你知道我们付多少钱去修复?想一想吧!
- Do you know how much in reparation we paid ? Think about it !
- 艺术创造力和趣图快感都是舞台,在这个舞台上,上演着人类在爱恨修复之间的核心斗争。
- Both artistic creativity and bodily pleasure were arenas in which the centural human struggle between love , hate , and reparation is played out .
- 结论第一趾蹼皮瓣游离移植修复虎口挛缩可获得良好的功能与满意的外形。
- Conclusion free transplantation of first toeweb flap in reparation of traumatic contracture of thumb web can obtain good function and satisfactory outline .