- 出色的业绩需要时间来打造。
- Great results take time to build .
- 我建造了许多又大又美丽的房子。
- I build many big and beautiful houses .
- 你不能打造一个数字家庭。
- You cannot build a digital home .
- 摄影就是历史,而在俄罗斯,我们需要建设一个新的现实。
- Photography is history and in russia we needed to construct a new reality .
- 澳大利亚的上述计划,意味着它将投身于建造全球最大太阳能电厂的国际竞争。
- Australia 's plans mean it will join a global race to construct the world 's biggest solar plant .
- 令人担忧的是,要建设一个经济超级大国,印度it产业只是一个狭窄的基础。
- The country 's it industry is a worryingly narrow base on which to construct an economic superpower .
- 有关环境的问题推动了微博客上的对话。
- Environmental issues animate the conversation on microblogs .
- 简言之,这些电影推动整个迪士尼公司实现了平均10%的有形资产回报率而且这些回报相当稳定。
- The films , in short , animate the whole company to generate average returns on tangible assets of 10 per cent and those returns are quite stable .
- 反对派攻克的黎波里仅过了短短两周,自大的“蓬蓬头”(对卡扎菲的蔑称)涂鸦及卡通画已然活跃在各处墙上。
- It is only two short weeks since tripoli fell to the rebels , but cocky graffiti and cartoons of " fuzzhead " , a derogatory nickname for muammar qaddafi , animate walls everywhere .
- 一种答案是建立收费机制。
- One answer is to erect paywalls .
- 他还声称正是耶稣他老人家本人在梦中命令他竖起这座雕像。
- He also claims that it was jesus himself who ordered him in a dream to erect the monument .
- 当务之急是建立保护机制,防止可能发生的希腊违约殃及他国。
- The immediate task is to erect safeguards against contagion from a possible greek default .