- 首先以简洁为荣能够鼓励学生经济而创新地利用语言。
- Rewarding concision first will encourage students to be economical and innovative with language .
- 这可以成为公司增加其品牌知名度或曝光率的经济方法。
- This is rather economical for companies to increase their brand awareness or visibility .
- 稳定的碳排放价格将提高发展更经济的替代能源的创造性。
- A firm carbon price will accelerate creativity by making alternatives that much more economical .
- 消费者节约开支、增加储蓄。
- Thrifty consumers are saving money .
- 要是其他人也这么节俭就好了。
- Would that others were so thrifty .
- 如果说政府在之前只是过于节约,那从新的消息来看,现在它完全是吝啬。
- If government was too thrifty before , it looks downright stingy in the light of new information .
- 东京政府必须使喜欢节俭储蓄的日本人毫无顾及的消费。
- The tokyo government must get japan 's frugal savers to spend freely .
- 但事实并非如此:节俭者要依靠挥霍者。
- It is not : the frugal depend on the profligate .
- 这并不是因为美国的住房债务更加节俭或是管的更好。
- It 's not that american households have been more frugal or disciplined .