- 另一方面对于深情书写的副作用大可不必担心,除非你指裁纸机。
- On the other hand , the possible side-effects of writing affectionate letters are not that worrying , unless you count paper cuts .
- 本文提出高等工科院校经济管理类本科生毕业论文应作为提高自主学习能力的载体,应作为大学基础课程和专业课程后续的创新性能力训练过程。
- The paper suggests that paper writing for undergraduates majoring in economy management in higher technology universities should be regarded as the carder for improving self-learning and also a process of training innovation ability after the basic university courses and speciality courses .
- 纸或纸板制的信封、封缄信片、素色明信片及通信卡片;纸或纸板制的盒子、袋子及夹子,内装各种纸制文具。
- Envelopes , letter cards , plain postcards and correspondence cards , of paper or paperboard ; boxes , pouches , wallets and writing compend - iums , of paper or paperboard , containing an assortment of paper stationery .