- 韦斯特盖特专注于所谓的保税仓库,即贸易公司在缴纳关税、正式进出口货物之前存放货物的场所。
- Mr. westgate focused on so-called bonded warehouses , storage facilities where trading houses park goods before paying duties and officially moving them in or out of the country .
- 保税仓库较lme铜价的升水从今年年初的每吨逾120美元降至每吨60美元。
- Premiums for metal in bonded warehouses above lme prices have fallen to as little as $ 60 a tonne , down from more than $ 120 at the start of the year .
- 实物交割将在保税仓库进行,而一种“中质含硫原油”将成为合约标的的主要品级之一。
- The physical delivery would be in bonded warehouses , and a " medium sulphur " grade of crude would be one of the main grades for the contract .