- 但是它的扩张使养牛的农场向丛林中推进,而且其本身也开始侵蚀这片森林。
- But its expansion has pushed cattle ranches further into the jungle , and started itself to encroach on the forest .
- 我们越是容忍这种长期的跟踪行为,我们就越难改变科技对我们日常生活的侵蚀。
- The more we allow for constant tracking , the more difficult it becomes to change the way that technologies are used to encroach on our lives .
- 虽然它们的生活区偏远,起到了一点保护作用,但是,由于猎人和农民的侵犯,它们正面临着人类施加的压力。
- Though somewhat protected by the remoteness of their location , they 're facing pressure from humans as hunters and farmers encroach .