- 她从来不知道,男人爱起女人来,会那么纯正无私,那么勇敢侠义。
- She had not known that men could be so disinterested , chivalrous , in their love for women .
- 男人就应该是个有骑士风度的男人。
- Men should be a chivalrous men .
- 如果浪漫使男性更乐于助人更具骑士精神会怎样?
- What is it about romance that makes men more helpful , chivalrous even ?
- 漫游:尤指为追求冒险经历而进行的旅游或漫游.
- Errantry : the condition of traveling or roving about , especially in search of adventure .
- 这种"刺客觉悟"描写,显示了侠文化影响下的伦理价值取向,揭示了正义良知与侠义风范的灵魂震撼力与文化反思力.
- This drawing of the triggerman awakening shows the ethic value tropism under the effect of errantry culture , and discloses the convulsion spirit and anti-culture spirit about justice and conscience and errantry model .
- 对骑士理想的追求。
- The pursuit of the knightly ideal .
- 他谱写英雄短歌并着手编写不少记叙巫术和骑士历险的故事.
- He composed heroic songs and began to write many a tale of enchantment and knightly adventure .
- 与其他基督骑士团体类似,圣地亚哥骑士团最初宗旨乃为朝圣者提供住宿和安全。
- Like the other christian knightly orders , the knights of santiago owe their origins to offering shelter and safe passage to pilgrims .