- 各国政府必须采取更多措施,追踪可能遭滥用的交易,即便它们有甜头可捞。
- Governments must do more to track potentially abusive transactions , even if they benefit .
- 其主要职责是保护人民免于不公平和滥用的借贷行为。
- It would be responsible for protecting people from unfair and abusive practices with borrowing and investing .
- 在研究中我试图了解为什么那么多人在媒体上曝光他们被伤害的故事后,辱骂的情况仍在继续,我发现歧视是所有案例里的一个共同之处。
- In my research trying to understand why abusive programs were able to continue operating after dozens of people had gone public with their stories of harm , I found a commonality in every case .