- 哪有人能弯腰弯那么低的
- How could anyone stoop so low ?
- 看守房屋的发颤,有力的屈身,推磨的稀少就止息,从窗户往外看的都昏暗;
- When the keepers of the house tremble , and the strong men stoop , when the grinders cease because they are few , and those looking through the windows grow dim ;
- 当他们赶到时,她费力地弯下腰表示感谢。
- When they arrived she struggled out to her stoop to say a blessing over them .
- 这些碎片导致椎骨的崩溃,而月久年深这个有着骨质疏松症的人就会变得驼背或是弯腰。
- These breaks cause collapse of the vertebrae and over time the person with osteoporosis can become hunched over or stooped .
- 东京某区小泽先生屈尊到此参加竞选活动的市长选举失败,使此次挫折雪上加霜。
- The setback was compounded by the loss of a mayoral election in a quarter of tokyo where mr ozawa had stooped to campaign .
- 对于那些仅存的海地知识分子来说,这个大眼睛,驼背,脸色蜡黄的独裁者,他的回归几乎如同去年地震时的47秒一样,大地颤抖的令人不安。
- For what remains of the country 's intelligentsia , the return of the wide-eyed , stooped and sallow-faced dictator was almost as unsettling as the 47 seconds this time last year when the earth shifted and buckled under their feet .