- 它并不复杂,也没包含任何最新游戏科技。
- It 's not a complicated game , and it doesn 't embody any clever new technology .
- 但从最坏的方面来说,他的建筑体现了现代主义妄自尊大的一切缺点。
- But at their worst his structures embody all the faults of modernism 's megalomania .
- 但是,这些产品中包含的想法,一种更为简单的永久上网技术,已在改变个人电脑行业。
- But the idea they embody , that a near-permanent connection to the internet permits simpler technology , is already changing the economics of the pc business .
- 最大的野心体现在铁路上。
- Railways reflect the boldest ambitions .
- 让你的微笑体现出你的心态。
- Let your smile reflect your attitude .
- 投票模式反映出人们的不同选择。
- Voting patterns reflect the divide .
- 只恋你化身的蝶。
- Longing only for your butterfly incarnate .
- 每个化身都是传奇英雄。
- Each incarnate becomes a legendary hero .
- 你们当中的许多人已经选择或被选择在你们地球循环的这些充满希望的时刻投生。
- Many of you have chosen and have been chosen to incarnate during these auspicious times in your earth 's cycle .