- hotelcheck-in在线社区的作用是成为旅行者选择住宿时的指南。
- Hotel check-in will function as the road warrior 's guide to the lodging landscape .
- 很多人并不是tepco的在职员工,而是一些收入微薄的协议工人,他们也只是寄宿在易威奇,它位于隔离区的南部。
- Many are not salaried tepco staff but low-paid contract workers lodging in iwaki , just south of the exclusion zone .
- 我必须承认我对寄宿家庭的样子做过臆想和假设。
- I have to admit I had some assumptions as to what these family lodging would look like .
- 百翰.杨同意留下来。
- Brigham young agreed to stay .
- 公司允许员工们待在家里。
- Companies allowed workers to stay home .
- 你是说要呆在家里?
- You mean you want to stay at home ?
- 他们还表示,大部分资金是由中投提供的。
- Cic put up most of the money they added .
- 哈马斯已经进行了抵抗,宣称也造成了以色列人的伤亡。
- Hamas has put up a fight claiming israeli casualties .
- 监管机构还对个人建站设置了制度性障碍。
- Regulators also put up bureaucratic hurdles before individuals setting up websites .
- 他们的任务之一就是在军队部署前停在“士兵预备处理中心”做最后的医科和牙科检查。
- One of their errands before deploying is to stop at the soldier readiness processing centre for last-minute medical and dental checks .
- 就像好莱坞大片喜欢出续篇一样,金融监管机构通常也不会发布了一次政策后就停下来。
- Just as hollywood blockbusters tend to spawn sequels financial regulations do not usually stop at the first effort .
- 诱惑力还不只体现在更高的工资上。
- The inducements did not stop at higher salaries .