- 教士精英们愤然:它远远高出教堂,却不与上帝交谈,并表现出“低能,坏品味和愚蠢的傲慢”。
- The clerical elite was scandalised : it towered over the churches , did not speak to god , and reflected " imbecility , bad taste and foolish arrogance " .
- 在野外,好吃的和难吃的萤火虫通常有相同的习性,所以当蜘蛛或其它捕食者(在吃萤火虫时)尝到了坏味道,就会对一切发出闪光的东西敬而远之,于是两个种类的萤火虫都得到了好处。
- In the wild , both palatable and unpalatable firefly species often share the same habitat , so if a spider or other predator gets a bad taste in its mouth , it will begin to shun all flashing lights , to the benefit of both species .
- 教士精英们愤然:它远远高出教堂,却不与上帝交谈,并表现出“低能,坏品味和愚蠢的傲慢”。
- The clerical elite was scandalised : it towered over the churches , did not speak to god , and reflected " imbecility , bad taste and foolish arrogance " .