- 莱恩则力争通过削减美国国内可自由支配开支、大幅调整联邦医疗保险和医疗补助计划及降低税率来削减赤字。
- The ryan plan aims to reduce deficits by cutting domestic discretionary spending , overhauling medicaid and medicare and lowering tax rates .
- “去杠杆化”是一个丑陋的字眼,用来代称信贷泡沫破裂后削减过度负债的痛苦过程。
- " Deleveraging " is an ugly word for a nasty journey : that towards lowering excessive debt after a credit bubble .
- 印第安纳大学已公开宣布在削减成本和减少获得学位时间上进行创新。
- Indiana university has just announced innovations aimed at lowering the cost and reducing the time it takes to earn a degree .
- 你为什么变了脸色呢?
- Why is your face downcast ?
- 那男孩垂头丧气,耽于自省。
- The boy was downcast and introspective .
- 校长同小女孩谈话时,她一双眼睛始终低垂着。
- The little girl kept her eyes downcast when the headmaster talked to her .
- 阴天和雾天时,整个天空会变成一个非常广的光源,一个天然的柔光箱。
- On overcast or foggy days the entire sky in effect becomes a single very broad light source-nature 's softbox .
- 直到现在,家庭和办公室内部的亮度也只是阴天室外亮度的十分之一,显然还有很大的提升空间。
- Even now , the interiors of homes and workplaces are typically lit at only a tenth of the brightness of the outdoors on an overcast day , so there is plenty of room for improvement .
- 不过,能源生产公司说,太阳能和风能都无法担当重任,因为阴天或无风天气可能会出现电力短缺。
- Companies that generate power , however , say neither can be relied upon in a major way because of potential electricity shortages on overcast or still days .