- 这需要我们扪心自问,在妥协中去确定什么是我们最珍视的,并且在必要时谦卑的改变航向。
- It would requires us to ask questions , to give-and-take , to identify what we most value and be humble enough to change course when necessary .
- 对上级谦恭是职责,对平辈谦恭是礼貌,对下级谦恭是高尚。
- To be humble to superiors is duty , to equals courtesy , to inferiors nobleness .
- 天分是上帝给的,要谦逊;声誉来自他人,要感恩;自负由自身产生,要小心。
- Talent is god-given , be humble ; fame is man-given , be thankful ; conceit is self-given , be careful .