- 这种数据的匮乏使LiquidRobotics公司处于真正独一无二的地位。
- This dearth of data places liquid robotics in a truly unique position .
- 而我们在这个行业拥有独特的定位。
- We have a unique position in this industry .
- Lark的地位比其它开发商更加稳固。
- Lark 's position is even more secure .
- 刺杀地点也富有争议。
- Location can be controversial too .
- 社交定位游戏到底是什么?
- What exactly is social location gaming ?
- 答案很大程度上取决于地点。
- The answer largely depends on location .
- 我每样东西都有固定放置地点。
- I have a place for everything .
- 这是一个上演大结局的华丽地点。
- It 's a gorgeous place to hold an apocalypse .
- 你经历过他刚才所描述的事情吗?
- Have you been in the place that he just described ?
- 这个网站绝对是超赞的!
- This site is just awesome !
- 那在遗址处发现的稀有铭文呢?
- The rare inscription found at the site ?
- 设计很漂亮的单页面网站。
- Beautifully designed single page site .