- 这种数据的匮乏使LiquidRobotics公司处于真正独一无二的地位。
- This dearth of data places liquid robotics in a truly unique position .
- 而我们在这个行业拥有独特的定位。
- We have a unique position in this industry .
- Lark的地位比其它开发商更加稳固。
- Lark 's position is even more secure .
- 我每样东西都有固定放置地点。
- I have a place for everything .
- 这是一个上演大结局的华丽地点。
- It 's a gorgeous place to hold an apocalypse .
- 你经历过他刚才所描述的事情吗?
- Have you been in the place that he just described ?
- 刺杀地点也富有争议。
- Location can be controversial too .
- 社交定位游戏到底是什么?
- What exactly is social location gaming ?
- 答案很大程度上取决于地点。
- The answer largely depends on location .
- 但是这个数据仍然低于2003年至2007年两位数的增长速度。
- But this is less than the double digit growth seen between 2003 and 2007 .
- 这个方法对于一篇短文来说有点复杂,但基本的概念是把每个数字跟一个特定的辅音字母关联起来。
- The tactic is a bit complicated for a brief article , but the basic idea is to attach each digit to a specific consonant .
- 目前5至6个月经历的两位数字的增长是高的,在过去的56年间人们可以追溯九个这样的事件。
- Going by the current experience of 5-6 months of double digit inflation as high , one can trace 9 such episodes in the last 56 years .
- 汉利只能被迫依靠比罗几年前贴在个人网站上的少量信息。
- Hanley was thus forced to rely on bits of information that biro had posted on his web site , several years earlier .
- 他们并没有采取直接穿刺肿瘤的方式,而是通过检测血流中漂浮的少量肿瘤dna,就能识别出基因突变,这种方式在精确性上与直接法相比几乎相同。
- Rather than probe tumours directly , they can test bits of tumour dna that float in the bloodstream , and identify genetic mutations in this way with nearly the same accuracy as the direct method provides .
- 他们并没有采取直接穿刺肿瘤的方式,而是通过检测血流中漂浮的少量肿瘤dna,就能识别出基因突变,这种方式与直接法相比在精确性上几乎相同。
- Rather than probe tumours directly they can test bits of tumour dna that float in the bloodstream and identify genetic mutations in this way with nearly the same accuracy as the direct method provides .
- 这种数据的匮乏使LiquidRobotics公司处于真正独一无二的地位。
- This dearth of data places liquid robotics in a truly unique position .
- 而我们在这个行业拥有独特的定位。
- We have a unique position in this industry .
- Lark的地位比其它开发商更加稳固。
- Lark 's position is even more secure .