- 尊重只会从得到验证的工作成果中而来。
- Respect comes only from proven performance .
- 很容易猜到这些钱是从哪里来的。
- It is easy to guess where the money comes from .
- 这个软件是捆绑在你的mac机器而来的。
- This app comes bundled with your mac computer .
- 她转向她的同伴,他耸耸肩。
- She turned to her companion who shrugged .
- 我受到冷落的童年中的唯一的朋友和同伴!
- Only friend and companion of my slighted childhood !
- 一个术语用来描述同性恋伴侣,但他还没有负起责任。
- A term used to describe a homosexual companion , while remaining free of commitment .