- 上述估计在我看来低得有些离谱。
- That estimate seems unrealistically low to me .
- 联合国官员对于这样的估计不做争辩。
- U.n. officials do not dispute that estimate .
- 我们最终的估计是65岁。
- Our estimate for this exercise : 65 .
- 比较容易评估的是全球影响。
- Easier to assess is the global impact .
- 北约将在下个月评估其影响。
- Nato will assess them next month .
- 我们还必须对奥巴马政府做出认真的评价。
- We must also carefully assess the obama administration .
- 不过英石油当然有权自行衡量他们这桩交易的得失。
- But bp is surely free to weigh the merits of a deal .
- 这很不幸:必须由社会决定法律应如何衡量隐私和创新。
- That is unfortunate : society must decide how the law should weigh privacy against innovation .
- 司法体系是用来衡量被告数量与规模的,这其中的奇事也很普遍。
- So do several quirks of the justice system , which weigh the scales against the accused .
- 在公共和私人部门鼓励优秀的方式,都是正确地激励和评估,不会人为地制造好人和坏人。
- The way to encourage strong performance in public and private sectors alike is to motivate and appraise people properly , without creating sheep and goats .
- 需要他们能够分析、评价并解释经济数据和政府项目,当然也包括建议和规划国家经济政策。
- They must be qualified to analyze , appraise and interpret economic data and government programs , as well as formulate and recommend national economic policy .
- 他死后,长着一头“短短的、有主见的、知性的”头发的哲学家艾丽卡,从悉尼派来评价安迪尔的工作。
- After he dies , erica , a philosopher whose hair is " short , determined , academic " , is sent from sydney to appraise his work .