- 希腊火苗未被扑灭,大火却蔓延到了爱尔兰、葡萄牙,继而断断续续地到达西班牙。
- The failure to extinguish the greek flames has allowed the conflagration to spread to ireland , portugal and , intermittently , to spain .
- 包括萨拉佩林和纽特金里奇在内的一些大家熟悉的共和党人,在这几周里都对曼哈顿世贸大厦遗址附近修建清真寺的计划发出了声势浩大的反对声浪,从而使得抗议的怒火延烧开来,进一步变成了对美国穆斯林机构、组织和制度的广泛批评。
- In recent weeks , sarah palin , newt gingrich , and other prominent republicans have loudly voiced their opposition to the proposed cordoba house project near ground zero in lower manhattan , fanning the flames of a protest that has since spread into a more generalized criticism of muslim institutions in the united states .
- 各国政府越是在如何围绕其它外围经济体设立防火墙以及如何隔离银行体系的问题上争论不休,危机的烈焰就越有可能一发不可收拾地烧遍整个欧洲大陆。
- The more governments argue about how to build firewalls around the other peripheral economies and about how to insulate the banking system , the more likely the flames will spread uncontrolled across the continent .