- 现已成为职教、普教兼容,全面发展的综合性学校。
- Already became the duty to teach , pu to teach compatibly , the full scale development comprehensive school .
- 大多数的英语教师都知道一个句子最重要的是重音,但他们却忽略教导如何流利说出非重音节的重要性。
- While most english teachers teach students about the importance of stressed syllables , they fail to teach students the importance of unstressed syllables .
- 虽然这不是我第一次教bec了,可是以前教的都是校外的成年人,而这次教的大部分是深大的学生,我在不停地思考着我的方法究竟适不适合你们,是否需要做出调整。
- Though it is not my first time to teach bec , it is actually the first time I teach the students in my university . In the past I taught the adults who had already worked . I have been turning over whether my previous methods are still applicable to you and therefore make some adjustments .