- 蜜蜂不只是授粉系统的主要组成部分:它是大自然的奇迹,不用说是这个星球上最复杂的生物之一。
- For the honey bee is not just an essential part of the pollination system : it is a marvel of nature , not to mention one of the most sophisticated creatures on the planet .
- 如果养蜂人不收取授粉费,发电厂不缴纳污染税,蜂蜜的价格和电价就不能反映出真实的收益或者成本。
- Ifthe beekeeper doesn 't charge for pollination or the energy company doesn 't paya pollution tax , the price of honey or power does not reflect its true benefitor cost .
- 许多重要的农作物都依赖蜜蜂授粉,但最新的数据显示美国三分之一的蜜蜂没能熬过冬天。
- Manyvital crops are dependent on pollination by honeybees , but latestfigures show a third failed to survive the winter in the u.s.
- 穿过那个国家,到了大西洋的沿海。
- Cross that country to atlantic 's coast .
- 但那木十字架却在。
- But the wooden cross remained .
- 同事和朋友也穿过街道,避免和他打招呼。
- His colleagues and friends cross the street to avoid greeting him .
- 总理一职通常有的是一个图书馆般的寂寥,而不是权力中心的嗡鸣。
- The chancellery often has the hush of a library , not the buzz of a centre of power .
- 在加沙,曾经空荡荡的街道上到处都是面露喜色的路人和工人,持续了一周的以色列监视无人机的嗡嗡声终于从耳边消失。
- In gaza , streets that had been empty were filled with pedestrians and workers in a celebratory mood , and the background buzz of israeli surveillance drones was absent for the first time in a week .
- 这些儿童会被教室的吵闹声搞得精疲力尽,也会被萤光灯发出的吱嗡声所打扰。
- Such kids may become exhausted by classroom noise or be distracted or disturbed by the flicker and buzz of fluorescent light .