- 该系统被称为食双星(eclipsingbinary),即从地球观测该双星系统时两颗恒星会交替经过彼此的前面。
- This system is known as an eclipsing binary , in which the two stars pass alternately in front of each other when viewed from earth .
- 世界上最遥远的距离是我们总是擦肩而过!
- The furthest distance in the world is we alway pass each other by !
- 我知道一个家族每次家庭成员们见面都小心翼翼的握手问候对方,没有亲吻,只用下颚快速的碰一下,好似用来接触对方的不是嘴唇而是耳朵。
- I know clans whose members greet each other with gingerly handshakes or , in what pass for kisses , with hurried brushes of side jawbones , as if the object were to touch not the lips but the ears .
- 所以,你的目标应该是引起对方的兴趣,并获得再次见面的机会。”
- So your goal should be to earn the other person 's interest -- and another meeting . "
- 或许,你和老板没有安排定期的会面。
- Perhaps you don 't have a regular meeting with your supervisor .
- 2.只让必要的人员接收信息、参加电话会议和开会。
- Only include people who truly are needed in a message , conference call or meeting .
- 去年春天我们去四川农村旅游时,就经过距离此次地震震中非常近的地方。
- We traveled to rural sichuan province last spring , passing very close to the quake 's epicenter .
- 巨型蛤蚌的虹吸管是被用来以过吸水的方式过滤并吸食经过的浮游生物。
- A giant clam 's siphon is used to draw in water to filter and consume passing plankton .
- 像奥德赛经过塞壬海妖时所做的那样,银行家们需要被绑在桅杆上来避免他们屈从于诱惑。
- Like odysseus passing the sirens , bankers need to be tied to a mast to stop them from giving in to temptation .