- 我们需要创新,需要不断满足消费者的期望,这将是我们关注的重点。
- We need to innovate and meet consumer expectations , and that 's going to be our focus .
- 现在,人们既可以在这里会面和宣传,也可以公开阐述自己的观点。
- Now it 's as much a place to meet and be visible as an announcement stage .
- 我们会找到见面的方法的。
- We will work out how to meet .
- 参加或者创办一个小组。
- Join or start a group .
- 我要是能参加就好了!
- If only I could join it !
- 请现在就发表评论参加这一讨论吧。
- Join the conversation by commenting now .
- 名流们会在哪里和色情女明星约会呢?
- Where would celebrities rendezvous with porn actresses ?
- 莫非这是一场浪漫的约会?
- Had revolution become like a romantic rendezvous ?
- 情侣晚餐,即兴约会,现场辩论或许应该重新填满你们养育孩子的时间。
- Intimate dinners , impromptu rendezvous , lively debates should replace some of time spent raising your children .
- 那些认识到这个问题的政治家和官员相信,单一货币将导致各国生产率增长速度趋同,从而化解这个问题。
- Those politicians and bureaucrats who recognised this problem believed that the single currency would somehow eliminate it by causing productivity trends to converge .
- 同时要去户外仲夏晚会,因为为了庆祝节日,许多音乐表演活动聚集在这个城市的每个角落。
- Also check out the outdoor summer concert schedule because numerous musical acts converge for festivals around the city .
- 每个月里,都有一个星期六的早上,绿点食品市场的卖主聚集在布鲁克林的弥赛亚教堂。
- One saturday morning each month , the vendors of the greenpoint food market converge on the church of the messiah in brooklyn .