- 而这一切都需要全国性的规划,而不是简单的减排数字目标。
- Yet all of this requires a national plan , not simply a numerical target for emissions reduction .
- 我享受自己像地图上的一个点,走在一条街道上,但是我真正全部所做的不过在自己生活的微小影片中成为中央情报局侦探和目标。
- I enjoyed following myself down a street , as a dot on a map , for instance , but all I was really doing was being both cia operative and target in a tiny movie of my own life .
- 连环杀手在各类人种中呈相似比例存在(白人有更高比例的说法纯如虚构),他们常常杀害住家或工作附近的目标。
- These killers encompass all races in fairly similar proportions ( the notion that whites have a higher propensity for serial killing is a myth ) who target strangers that live near their home or places of work .