- 通过使用多次调整过的薄釉层,达芬奇获得了这种让他闻名于世的朦胧阴影效果。
- By applying many thin coats of this adapted glaze , he achieved the smoky shadowing he became famous for .
- 例如,在油画《圣母子与圣安妮》中,用来创造圣母脸上阴影的釉料,和孩子脸上阴影使用的釉料中包含不同的色素。
- For example , in the painting " the virgin and child with st anne " , the virgin 's face is shadowed by glaze that contains different pigments to those in the shadowing glaze on the child .
- 艺术专家称这种阴影技术为sfumato,取自于意大利语中的fumo,意为烟雾。
- Art experts call this shadowing technique sfumato-like the italian word for smoke , fumo .
- ipad即将上市一事已经造就了一个巨大的商业阴谋,这一阴谋颇具grisham式的故事特点。
- The ipad 's impending arrival has created commercial intrigue worthy of a grisham yarn .
- 它常被称为是世界上第一部心理小说,充满色情、阴谋和人身讹误。
- Often claimed to be the world 's first psychological novel , it is bursting with sex , intrigue and mistaken identity .
- 剧中贝蒂娜还被卷入了一场宫廷阴谋,但随后就与曾和她一起在农场做工的男友一同逃脱。
- Bettina is also drawn into the court intrigue but then runs away with her boyfriend who had originally been a farm boy with her .