- 细致审查、公众监督、以及来自其他集团的压力,是我们所能企盼的最好结果。
- Detailed and public scrutiny and peer group pressure are the most we can hope for .
- 你消极被动,使自己确信你没有希冀的事。
- You remain passive and convince yourself that you have nothing to hope for .
- 诈骗者总是盼望找到一个办法,让自己偿还掉诈骗来的钱财。
- Fraudsters always hope for a cure that will let them repay the money .
- 也许,这正是我们渴望淡泊简朴生活的一个理由。
- Perhaps that is one reason we yearn for the simple life .
- 如果你渴望与偏远地区连接上,那么你将发现这儿就可以。
- If you yearn for a connection to the wild you will find it here .
- 而那些渴望变革的人则觉得事情已经脱离了他们的掌控。
- Those that yearn for change feel that things are out of their hands .