- 看看你是否能够模仿他的好品质。
- See if you can imitate their best qualities .
- 希腊应该效仿迪拜在去年12月份为避免违约所采取的做法。
- It should imitate the example that dubai set in december for avoiding default .
- 但遗憾的是,现实生活并不总是效仿电视艺术。
- In that respect , unfortunately , life does not always imitate art .
- 在2008年里,意大利三分之二的钓鱼网站瞄准了金融服务。
- In italy , two-thirds of phishing web sites targeted financial services in 2008 .
- 这就是网络仿冒骗术如此流行且被罪犯成功利用的原因。
- That is why phishing schemes are so prevalent and successful for criminals .
- 仿冒网站域名,可以不断地改变。
- Phishing site domain names can be changed constantly .
- 1865年,为打击货币伪造,财政部一个特别部门成立,以防其完全腐蚀掉国家经济体系。
- In 1865 , a special division of the treasury department was created to crack down on counterfeiting before it completely undermined the nation 's economic system .
- 据希尔所述,本次会谈令人瞩目的是,对于美国指责朝鲜伪造美钞而施行的金融制裁,朝鲜不再施压遏制。
- Remarkably , by mr hill 's account , the north koreans are no longer insisting that america first end its campaign against what it says is north korean counterfeiting .
- 这是这个世界上所见的最庞大的伪造系统。
- It is one of the most extensive systems of counterfeiting that the world has seen .