- 并要将亚伦的名字写在利末的杖上,因为各族长必有一根杖.
- On the staff of levi write aaron 's name , for there must be one staff for the head of each ancestral tribe .
- 大致有五个来由:由部族、部落联盟的名称而来,来自创建者原有卦号、爵.
- Have 5 reason roughly : come by the name of tribe , tribal alliance , come from the person that found date of original divinatory symbols , the rank .
- 不到4个月,警察局长们就封她为部落的名誉成员,并送给她一个阿拉伯名字,意思是“聪明的女人”。
- Within four months , the police chiefs made her an honorary member of their tribe and bestowed an arabic name on her meaning " wise woman " .