- 这个乐器叫什么名字来着?
- What is this instrument called ?
- 你会玩乐器或者唱歌吗?
- Do you play an instrument or sing ?
- 艾米:那是一种有趣的乐器。
- Amy : that 's an interesting instrument .
- 我想你的计程表坏掉了.
- I think your meter is broken .
- 每平方米都堆得满满的。
- Each square meter is occupied .
- 智能测度表是一种测量用电或煤气的新型仪表。
- A smart meter is a new type of electricity or gas meter .
- 或者外观优势真的在现代政治中占有一席之地?
- Or does the appearance advantage have a place in modern politics ?
- 于1992年在巴塞罗那闭幕式几次后,他改变了他的外观。
- He changed his appearance several times after the closing ceremony in barcelona in 1992 .
- 患有黑色棘皮症的患者,可能会自然而然地在意皮肤的外观。
- With acanthosis nigricans , you may naturally be concerned about the appearance of your skin .