- 颁奖典礼定在12月10日。
- The ceremony was scheduled for december 10th .
- 奥斯卡颁奖典礼将于2月27日举行。
- The academy awards ceremony is feb. 27 .
- 这不是举行仪式的时候。
- This is no time for ceremony .
- 美国以外的人经常认为,美国感恩节是一场奇怪的侵略分子仪式。
- American thanksgiving is often seen as a sort of bizarre jingoistic rite by those outside the us .
- 不同于其他信仰方式,新教没有神秘的宗教仪式用以赎罪。
- Unlike many other forms of faith protestantism has no mystical rite to absolve sin .
- 传统婚姻已经从几乎一致的仪式演化成了受教育者和富人才能享受的奢侈品。
- Traditional marriage has evolved from a near-universal rite to a luxury for the educated and affluent .
- 根据传统,非洲国王没有政治职能。
- Traditionally african kings had no political function .
- 警察治安职能是地方和中央首要的职能。
- The police function is primarily local and central .
- 音乐家们提供同样的功能。
- Playlists serve the same function .