- 我可以让它再次产生影响吗?
- Can I make it work again ?
- 谷歌可以用上述回答来制作一支绝佳的电视广告。
- Those responses would make a terrific tv ad. for google .
- 综合效应使它成为了一个重磅药物。
- That together will make it a blockbuster .
- 我们已经完成你们的订单。
- We have finished your order .
- 我们正在做你们的订单。
- We were producing your order .
- 出生顺序也很重要的。
- Birth order also may be important .
- 人口优势则是另一原因。
- Favourable demography is another cause .
- 昂贵薪酬也会引起不满。
- Expensive hires can cause resentment .
- 这个问题引起人们的焦虑。
- This question lets people cause anxiety .
- 卢卡申科在选举之后的一个决定就是通过一项节能法令。
- One of mr lukashenka 's first post-election decisions was to pass an energy-saving decree .
- 俄国领导人给了他的前领导一道羞辱性的政令:大声承认新的秩序。
- The russian leader humiliatingly gave his former boss a decree to read out acknowledging the new order .
- 抗议活动领导人称星期二的游行是对穆尔西的最后警告,他们要求穆尔西撤回他颁发的政令。
- Protest leaders called tuesday 's march a last warning to mr. morsi to back down from his decree .
- 从命令中行中接收打印的输入。
- Printing from the command line .
- 麦克里斯托最近接过了美军在阿富汗的指挥权。
- Gen. mcchrystal recently took command in afghanistan .
- 奥巴马总统授权它们在北约指挥下再展风采。
- Mr. obama should authorize them to fly again under nato command .
- 秋天是泰国的政变多发季。
- Autumn in thailand is coup season .
- 谁画季节画的最好?
- Who does the season best ?
- 第二季度财报季将于下周开始。
- The second-quarter earnings season starts next week .
- 您属于哪个年龄段?
- What is your age group ?
- 您最大的遗憾是什么?
- What is your biggest regret ?
- 我们是您今晚的客人。
- We are your guest tonight .
- 《执行令和审判地点法》是古老的判例法令状制度如指令、调取案卷令状和禁令等的直接结果,它在近代民事程序制度发展之前,起着作为司法审查行政行为的基础的作用。
- The act is a direct outgrowth of the old common law system of writs such as mandamus , certiorari , and prohibition , which served as the foundation for judicial review of administrative action before the modern system of civil procedure was developed .
- 但本款不得作限制原法庭就在委席前行的查程序而作出履行令、移令或禁止令的力。
- Provided that nothing in this subsection shall be deemed to limit the power of the court of first instance to make an order of mandamus , certiorari or prohibition in relation to proceedings before a commission .
- 美国第九巡回上诉法院案卷调取令。
- Certiorari to the united states court of appeals for the ninth circuit .