- 棕色常常讲述着关于家、壁炉和地板的故事。
- Brown speaks of home , hearth and a certain earthiness .
- 棕色常常讲述着关于家、壁炉和地板的故事。
- Brown speaks of home , hearth and a certain earthiness .
- 正当全世界狼狈不堪(全球每个角落对未来的不确定让我那些银行界的朋友异常亢奋,却让我们这些凡夫俗子惊魂未定)步入岁末年尾之际,今年这个圣诞节,还有什么比带给亲朋好友温馨舒适的家的感觉来得更为重要?
- As the world hurtles helter-skelter towards the end of the year with a feeling of uncertainty around each corner that excites my banking friends and terrifies the rest of us is there anything more reassuring than the thought of taking to hearth and home with family and friends this christmas ?