- 带着烤肉味的烟弥漫着拥挤的人行道。
- Redolent smoke drifts along the crowded sidewalk .
- 甚至不会看着蚂蚁急匆匆地穿过夏日人行道上的裂缝。
- Or even watch ants scurry across cracks in the summer sidewalk .
- 200人的队伍蜿蜒在邻近一座大厦前的人行道上。
- A line of 200 people snaked along the sidewalk in front of a neighboring building .
- 生命是出枯燥乏味、荒腔走板的戏码,除非我们对这出戏码怀抱兴趣。人若是不欣赏艺术,又不研究科学,入眼的世界不过是单调的色彩组合,或者是崎岖不平的步道,走著走著很可能扭伤脚踝。
- Life is only a very dull and ill - directed theatre unless we have some interests in the piece ; and to those who have neither art nor science , the world is a mere arrangement of colors , or a rough footway where they may very well break their shins .
- 适用场所:步行街、广场、人行道、花园地板。
- Suitable place : walking street , plaza , footway , floor board of garden etc.
- 规划设计有休闲步道、景观休憩亭、木栈道及景观小品等。
- The planning has designed leisure walk path , landscape recreation pavilion , wooden footway and landscape opusculum , etc.