- 同种颜色的十个不同质地会产生令人震惊的视觉效果!
- The same color in ten different textures has an astounding effect on the human eye !
- 这个望远镜将与其它设备协同工作,观测人眼所不能看见的远红外线和次毫米波段光,并能透过星际尘埃拍摄高达数十亿光年以外星系的照片。
- The mirror will work in concert with instruments that detect far-infrared and submillimeter-band light , which is invisible to the human eye , to peer through interstellar dust and take pictures of galaxies up to billions of light-years away .
- 这样的闪光很微弱,人眼无法感知,但另一部手机的摄像头能够在十米的范围内检测得到。
- The flickering is so slight that it is imperceptible to the human eye , but the camera on another phone can detect it at a distance of up to ten metres .