- 教堂和砖石路面赋予了当地一种奇特的乡村氛围,置身其中的人似乎会忽略夏洪尼村外面就是巴黎城人口稠密的20区的西半部分。
- The combination of these two elements give this area a quaint , provincial atmosphere , and it is easy to forget that the old boundaries of the charonne village now form the eastern half of the city 's densely populated 20th arrondissement .
- 刚果民主共和国首都布拉柴维尔处于人口稠密地区的一个弹药库发生火灾,200人丧生。
- A fire that started at an arms depot in a densely populated neighbourhood in brazzaville , the capital of the republic of congo , killed at least 200 people .
- 但或许是由于生活在欧洲人口密集度最高的国家,英国人为了缓解幽闭恐惧症,纷纷企图在周末寻求一处开阔之地。
- Perhaps the claustrophobia caused by living in the most densely populated large country in europe drives britons to seek out open spaces at the weekends .